Nicky Allpress

Associate Director

Credits include:

As Director:

Oh What a Lovely War! (regional tour);

The Shape of Things (Park Theatre),

The Walworth Farce, and Romeo & Juliet (Southwark Playhouse); Crackers! (Polka Theatre); Maddie (Arcola); Invisible Me (Bloomsbury Festival); Moment of Grace (Lockdown Film); Market Boy (Union Theatre); Summon up the Blood (RSC Open Stages community project, director and adapter of Henry IV, V and VI).

As Associate / Assistant Director:

Dragons & Mythical Beasts (Regents Park and Tour); My Brilliant Friend (National Theatre); Summerland (film directed by Jessica Swale); Finishing the Picture (Finborough Theatre);

Nicky is a freelance director and dramaturge, working with writers in the development of new plays and musicals. A returning to work mother of three, she has collaborated on projects with dozens of writers that have gone on to become produced. During a new writing residency at the Swiss Church Covent Garden, she helped 16 writers host readings, workshops and development rehearsals to further their new work, including a highly successful week with writer Suzette Coon on a play for three generations of women, called A Jewish Love Story.

She also attends the BML (book music lyrics) workshop under the auspices of Tim Sutton and Jason Carr and is about to start the third year of this prestigious training in how to write a musical. Learning the ingredients and formulas for making successful musicals is the start of what she hopes will lead to further development of exciting new work with like-minded collaborators, combining life experience with cutting edge new techniques that stretch the form.


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